Product Details -
Just when you thought you were doing tricks properly,
this DVD came along to set you straight. Not only will you learn how to do the most
fun tricks in snowboarding, you will learn to do them pure and proper. All
areas are covered here, from the simple Ollie, past the 360, and on to backflips
and backlips. After watching this video you will be ready to hit the park and
amaze your friends with some stylish moves done just like the pros. From Mt.
High, to High Cascade Snowboard Camp, to the city streets, and mountain’s
powder, this group of top notchers will run you through the ins and outs of the
best tricks of today. Learn the dos and donts along with some magician’s
secrets. Keep your tricks clean and you will be well on your way to Olympic
Stardom or even better - filming a quality video part of your own!
Rider List:
Danny Kass, Mark Sollors, Zak Hale, Ethan Diess, Jess
Kimura, Chris Grenier, Jake Olson-Elm, Louif Paradis, Jed Anderson, Harrison
Gordon, Alex Andrews, Jordan Mendenhall, Bryan Fox, Austin Smith, Curtis
Ciszek, Jake Kuzyk, , Jesse Burtner ,Darrell Mathes, Justin Bennee, Jon Kooley,
Nick Dirks, Scott Stevens, and more.